Kirkton photomontage 6

Public Consultation

Wind2 have made an approach to the local community councils and will be looking to present the initial proposals to the local communities in due course. Our aim is to give the local community an opportunity to provide feedback and to help shape our proposals before a finalised planning application is submitted.

Wind2 plan to host public exhibitions in the coming months, at which members of the Wind2 team will be available to answer questions about the project and to discuss specific issues or concerns. These exhibitions are likely to be in-person and information from these events will be provided on-line to ensure that both local communities and those further afield have the opportunity to review the proposals and engage with the Wind2 team.

The timing and location of these exhibition events will be advertised in advance, through local media outlets and leaflet distribution. Please visit the ‘News’ section of the website for the latest updates.

Niall Hunter Website photo
Niall Hunter
Project Manager
Vasu Raman Sharma Website Photo
Vasu Raman Sharma
Assistant Project Manager